Pro-Life Education
About Us
Life Choices Women's Clinic is proud to provide healthcare to women and to foster a culture of life with our employees and patients. We provide women's wellness exams, STD testing, pregnancy tests, and ultrasounds, as well as counseling. We believe that we should not only take care of a woman's physical health but her emotional and mental health as well.
Life Choices created the Pro-Life Education program in the hopes of teaching people how to defend the unborn. We have presented to a few thousand teenagers over the past couple of years, and what makes our presentations unique is the live ultrasound that we include. It's a game changer in the pro-life movement.
While we know minds can be changed through carefully crafted arguments, we strive to change their hearts by showing them the reality and beauty of a human life inside a womb.
We want to transform our culture of death to a culture of life, and the way to do that is by making sure that everyone - from the unborn to the elderly - feels seen, known, and loved.
If you are interested in becoming a patient of Life Choices Women's Clinic, please visit