Baby Showers

Thank you for your interest in hosting a Baby Shower for your community! We are so excited to work with you on this event!
This event can be however elaborate or simple you want it to be! We usually recommend hosting "Mary's Baby Shower" during Advent, but you can also host a "Baby Shower" any time during the year! Some groups have played baby shower games; we've even seen relay races of chugging apple juice as fast as you can through a baby bottle!
What is included in this event:
Pro-Life Presentation on the power of community in the pro-life movement
Live ultrasound with our mobile clinic and mobile ultrasound machine - we love when we get to show a member of the community's baby to their friends and family!
Opportunity to collect donations for moms in need that come to Life Choices Women's Clinic
What can be included in this event:
Baby shower games and activities - baby bottle relay races, bingo, coloring sheets, etc.
Pack 'n' play with balloons for people to put their donations
Diaper raffle - every family that brings a pack of diapers gets a ticket and at the end of the event, we'll draw a winner for a prize, like a gift card!
Cupcakes, brunch food and drinks, etc
This event is a fantastic way for a community to band together to support moms in need. We always say that it takes a village, but we don't often think about how Mary and Joseph likely did not have one because Mary was pregnant out of wedlock. A lot of the moms we serve at Life Choices also do not have a village to receive help from, but your community can be a part of their village!
To schedule a Baby Shower, email Sammie Carel at